Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How it all began.

Many things can lead a person to salvation.
This is what did it for me.The Lord provoked me with the thoughts of adventure in this life.
Sure you don't have to be saved to have adventures, but what God challenges and encourages a person to go on an adventure in the pursuit of love? Who makes the way and provides for it? Who promises to never leave you and will give you perfect leadership as you go?   Now that was an offer too good to pass up.And he has exceeded in every way all those promises.This is my current adventure.An adoption.

July2011, I was backing out of my driveway feeling very alive that day. I turned on my radio to set a beat to my day and my joyful heart, when I heard a commercial encouraging more people to consider fostering and/or adopting children. Without thinking twice I quickly said a prayer that the Lord would challenge the heart of his people to adopt and foster.Little did I know that his response to this prayer would change my life.

"Sharon, you shouldn't ask me to do for others something that YOU are fully capable of doing yourself."

I braked. and I thought." Umm Lord Im 25" I said,which up until recently id thought was still very young.Then when I told this story to a woman in her 60's she leaned in and said to me "well you know, 25 isn't THAT young sweetheart" moving on-" Lord Im too young to take on parenting let alone to think about what a person actually has to go through to adopt!" But for the rest of that day,and throughout that year his words would rattle around through my mind,echoing that I,Sharon Gallaway was FULLY CAPABLE in the eyes of the Lord to adopt.

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