Friday, September 22, 2017

Waiting On Baby

I'm sorry to say I have fallen way way behind on my updates. So much began to happen, so much suspense that I almost couldn't figure out where or how to even begin. If you follow us on Facebook you already know, but in case you missed it, about 6 weeks ago Ferrill and I were matched with an expectant birth-mother! A little boy, due in October.

We believed we were the most unlikely choice in the world for her to make, and yet we were chosen. We were somewhere between Atlanta and Memphis headed to my grandpas funeral, when I took the call from our agency. We were getting pretty used to phone calls and emails of let downs, that when they called and I offered to put it on speaker phone Ferrill said not to even bother. So the look of shock and awe on his face was priceless when I covered the bottom on my phone while she spoke and mumbled quietly to Ferrill, "She picked us!" We hung up the phone and cried tears of joy, and relief that something was finally happening. Although it had been 18 months since we started the process again, the past 9 had been totally quiet, but then suddenly. The story of our lives.

At first I felt very hesitant in sharing our news. We had made arrangement's to meet the birth-mother in person the Tuesday we returned back to town, since it was a local Jacksonville agency that had matched us. One thing I can 100% tell you was the Lord was putting a supernatural love for the woman in my heart just as much as he had for a new child. My friend Brittany and I were driving over the inter-coastal when she told me that she was expecting her second. And when we pulled into town center later that evening for a surprise party I remember standing in the parking lot telling her that God was doing something unique in my heart. I knew this time I wouldn't just be adopting a baby but a family.(remember that Britt?)  So it was no surprise to us when Tuesday she expressed her hope to have a very open adoption with her son. Our hearts were already totally on board.

So that brings us to now. Six weeks ago we were still in need of $13,000 for funding and now we only need about $3,000! We moved into a new house only about 4 weeks ago, and of course hurricane IRMA also made a flashy appearance. Other than a few trees and some shingles we're fine, but the weeks to follow we have been focused on meeting the needs of dear friends and our community. The birth-mother and I email weekly, we visit bi-weekly and we feel very strongly she is utilizing the resources provided to her by the agency. It is a VERY VERY good situation and both she and her child are healthy and doing well as we begin our countdown to D-day. During the past few weeks I've had to process many emotions, mostly stemming from old hurts, fears and disappointments. I listen to her express her sureness of her decision to place, I look at ultrasounds of this baby, and I'm asked so often if we'll be having a baby shower, what his name will be and a voice in my mind always says to me "I've been here before, with a boy, and she did not place. I've looked at ultrasounds, fallen in love and not received him. I've had a room full of blue baby things that I gave away when it didn't happen." And you know what.... I've just had to accept the reality that yes that could happen again.But how can I possibly remember the bad without also remembering the good! Yes, over 4 years ago my heart was broken, but it was also one of the most beautiful times I've ever experienced with the Lord. I would not have my daughter now if that loss never took place.And as nervous as I rightfully am I'm also wildly reminded of Gods faithfulness and his perfect timing! His care and kindness for me remains unmatched and I have decided to try my hardest to move forward, joyful in hope! God says whoever puts their trust in him will not be disappointed. God has never once disappointed us when our hope has remained in him, that he sees and knows, and will make things work out for our good. So we hope and trust in his plans, and his goodness! Amen!

My dad a few weeks ago said something so beautiful to me that really impacted my heart. He said "You know I've had a lot of disappointments in my life over the years, but some of the things I regret the most was not hoping for things, when their was good reason to hope.That time meant for joy and expectation was lost to worry or fear. Parenting isn't just about receiving your child, its also in the anticipation of the unknown. Sharon I know you're nervous. We've all lost things hoped for. I'm not saying you should share all the details of whats going on, but cling to every word of God, that he will do everything he has shared with you he will do. If you believe in your heart this is from him, that this is it, guard that hope at all cost, and trust in him." 

So that's were I'm at.  Nothing in adoption is done until 24-48 hours after birth and she signs paperwork transferring his custody and care over. But I'm doing my best to not be afraid. I'm choosing to have hope that this boy will become our son and in a few short weeks, maybe sooner, we will all know.

Thank you to everyone who has given to make this possible! What a joy it is to work through many details of this process without also needing to dwell too much on money. You all have continued to love our growing family so well, and we are forever in debt to your love. We just got a notification from go fund me that they have turned away some giving due to some errors on our end. We apologize for this and ask that should you still wish to bless us, that you try again.

Well everyone- I believe this is it. When you hear from us again, we hope to be a family of 4. (Oh did I mention our son would be interracial? Your welcome for that little sneak peek of information. Please excuse me while I squeal. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!) Oh Jesus, you're just the best! Lets do this crazy thing.
