Saturday, June 18, 2016


Hello everyone, just wanted to share a few updates for those who are following us along  our second adoption journey.

well, to show you just how quickly things can change, last week the agency called and asked if we were ready and prepared to be shown to an expectant birthmother (as well as the birthfather). We prayed about it, had peace, and said yes!. The couple was given our profile book as well as 2 other couples and given some to think about who they felt most comfortable proceeding forward with. In the mean time we rushed doing the education courses still needed/required, and had a very full week ahead. I was helping lead an instate missions trip to Alabama when the agency responded that the couple had decided to move forward with another couple. I don't share this to disappoint anyone, just to ask that you all continue to cover us in prayer as this may happen several times privately before we are officially " matched"  and share openly. We are doing fine concerning the decision and it was a great beginners exercise as we truly put our trust in the lord knowing  he considers all things. In the end we celebrate both families who are moving forward with their adoption plan, knowing if not now, at some point and at the right time it'll be ours again.

Now for more good news. While going through the paperwork and documents involved during this event, we realized this adoption is actually projected to be at least $7,500 LESS that what wed expected! Talk about great news!

ALSO, our church felt led to make an account available for people who want to give online  specifically to our adoption. This means you can use your donation as a tax write off.
 To give this way, visit and go to the "giving" section. Their will be a category marked "Adoption Fund"

We've had amazing things happen over the last few months. People calling from out of town saying they were praying what to do with extra funds and the Lord told them to wait until something arrived in the mail.  Then they received our letter. Also I had a dream about walking into a local business and saw a donation thing set up for people to give towards the adoption. I then called the business (in real life) and they were super happy to do that for us! Also PDQ (a local fast food place here in town) is allowing us to do a fundraiser July 3rd with another couple, who are also adopting, and theiy're giving us 10% of sales from 12-6pm that day. The Lord is doing his thing and leading us faithfully every step of the way. As of right now we have close to $8,000 raised and are moving forward to raise about $8,000 more.

Oh what was that? You want more good news? Okay! My dad is also coming into town on Monday! In Jan/Feb I did a project for a family in town and when it was time to invoice them a bill, I just felt led to ask them to pray about what to give, telling them whatever they gave would go towards our next adoption anyway. Well, they responded and said they felt led to buy a plane ticket, and this gave me the ability to either go home and visit my family or allow my dad to get a way and rest. We chose the latter and my dad will have 9 days of rest here with us before returning back home to care for my mom who is still in a nursing facility. Isn't God just so good and kind!

So that's our update for right now. Blessings to ALL who have given so far. I declare peace and joy over you and your house as you have sowed so generously into ours!

All Our Love,
Ferrill, Sharon, & Finley

To give online visit (Click giving and then "Adoption Fund" OR (search Gallaway Adoption) or find it on our FB profiles
Message us privately if you'd like to give directly