In early summer we were approached by two talented young guys who after hearing our story and reading the blog wanted to gift us with a personal video of what adoption has been like for us. As we began to share it was like waves of every kind of emotion punched us in the heart all over again. Remembering what once felt hopeless, grief, moments of strange shame, peace, comfort also unbelievable redemption. Today we celebrate 12 years of marriage. I am still learning to embrace the things we've been through, but without a doubt I can say that the Lord has made a way, where their was no way. As someone who hopes to become better about opening up and sharing more, it is our pleasure to share with you this video.
Happy Anniversary love. Id rather be by your side than any other man on this earth and look back on our lives together and know that all things point to Him who is able to do far more than we could ever have dreamed.