It was less than 16 hours after her surgery when I got to see Stephanie. She was scheduled to be the first operation of the day and had arrived by 5am. It was around noon when they began and they finished over 2.5 hours later. The tumor with its 2 cysts inside were removed successfully and Stephanie's vision began to recover almost immediately. She sat in bed quivering from the meds, a constant activity of doctors, nurses and therapists in and out every 10 minutes or less, and I sat and watched as she mustard up all her strength to allow one more nurse to draw blood from her battered arm. She was so frail and yet so incredibly gracious. You would have never known just hours before and all through the night she had been throwing up shocking amounts of blood. That's something they didn't tell us as she prepared for the surgery. That the tumor they would remove, would mostly drain down her throat and into her stomach, and when it was all over, her body would do what it needed to do to clean itself. Gross. That being said it has not been an "easy" recovery for our friend. She was released from the hospital after 3 days as opposed to 1, and after 48 hours at home was rushed back to the ER in an ambulance with severe pain, vomiting and no vision.
She was very afraid and in lots of pain when one of her 6 doctors, the man in the blue scrubs, changed his shift to stay with her through the night and see to her recovery personally. She had gotten so dehydrated that even her veins in her arms were no longer usable. Needing to get her medication locally as quickly as needed they made the choice to put an IV in her neck. What should have been a 45 min process took over 2 agonizing hours. Her voice filled the hallway with painful tears as she cried out the name of Jesus and endured the procedure.
So here we are today. Stephanie is home now, finally, and trying to find a new normal for these next several weeks. She cant be alone yet so friends and family have joyfully taken their turns enjoying her company and learning how to rest by her side. She has an appointment tomorrow to follow up on things.
It hasn't been "easy" but God is so good! So faithful! We believe she is on her way to a full recovery in Jesus name! She wanted me to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughtfulness. Her recovery is such a priority, and has had a mild set back since the ER visit was unexpected that she's put away her phone for a season. Lord knows if she responded to every text or call shed be up 24/7. So if you did not or have not heard from her, please understand.
Also, if I may. She and I would both like to share some exciting news with you. She and I, have accepted a unique opportunity to travel to India this December for 10 days and share the gospel.
Last September I had this vision where I was following a woman whom I know named Audrey, through India. I wrote it down in my journal, prayed and tucked it away. 6 months later, on a Sunday she came up to my husband and said "I need to speak with your wife. I was in Haiti ministering when the Lord said I should invite your wife to travel with me. Id like to plan a special trip to India."
I was floored. As long as I've been serving the Lord and following the spirit, every time I'm in awe that this is real. That the supernatural is SO real. Then a few months ago Stephanie and I were having a Netflix day, it was actually the same day that she got the confirmation call from Mayo about the appointment she never made, and out of nowhere holy spirit starts talking to me about ducks. I literally turned to Stephanie and said "I'm gonna need you to stop talking for just a second. The holy spirit is literally talking to me about you right now. He said you're supposed to go on this trip also, and that he actually gave you a dream about it almost a year ago and that it involved ducks."
She quickly sat up, thinking. It didn't take long before Holy Spirit brought to mind a dream shed had over a year ago, where she and I were traveling some place towards the middle east and God was with us moving in great power in rural farm places when demonic spirits disguised as ducks began to deceive people away from our message and into tents. Anyways, it was an exciting and ordained moment for us as friends and a promise of the future hope to come as we walked through the next few months. When we waited in the surgeons office to meet with him that wild Thursday everything happened,we just encouraged one another. "Everything is going to be fine. God is taking us to India remember!" and when the man in the blue scrubs came in, and the whole room became full of peace, we asked him where he was from, and when he said he was from India, we began to laugh and cry.
Yesterday we were able to talk over details of the trip. We'll have the opportunity to share the gospel in rural places,go straight into the brothels to minister to about 20-40 woman and be visiting up to 60 children currently living in orphanages, all girls under 10 whom were sold by or taken from family to be trafficked and have been rescued, literally, by a handful of woman who risked their lives for them. While we met I could hear Holy spirit saying to me "Although these children may have meant nothing to someone, they mean everything to me." And that is the message I carry and hope to share.
That being said Stephanie and myself have a real financial need to get there. We have the expenses of a surgery and an adoption on our laps and so if anyone feels lead to give, so that we could move forward with one less thing, then please consider giving towards our trip. You can reach out to us directly and privately for details on how to give. Our expected cost is around $2,500. Not too shabby if you ask me.
So praise God! He is the author and finisher of our faith and no word will return back to him void! He will fulfill all that he has set to accomplish and we're ready! well.. Stephanie's not ready. I'm sure her spirit is but, she will be soon. I'll let you know in a few weeks how things are going. Please continue to pray for supernatural rest, peace and provision.
Thank you so much for sharing the update on Princess Stephanie. I declare that her future as a "Seer" in the Spirit is secure. This "cheap shot" from the enemy is totally covered by the Blood of Jesus. I was blessed to hear you share of her graciousness in the midst of the "needling". Such a lady, refined by her Master,will be a finely honed instrument in shedding the laser light of Jesus. He said, "let there be light"! He never said stop. Laser light surgery in the spirit to bring healing to the Nations is her portion. YES!!!!!