Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gender Reveal and Quick Peek

 Happy Valentines Day! As you know Tuesday was the sonogram for the baby.I was so full of nerves,but it was pretty magical.Seeing the baby cover its face and suck on its toes, finding out the gender... but it was a lot to process. The rest of the day was a blur of finishing the registry and intimate glances between Ferrill and I.We needed time just he and I to process things.To enjoy our precious secrete. But today it began to sink in, and I woke up with no walls, and I did as I always do.I sat in the nursery,only this time... I stared at the face of my child.This beautiful mystery before my eyes, and I cried. It wasn't a " im stressed or nervous" cry (as they often are) it was,my heart is wrecked and I cant believe this lovely thing is happening to us. Maybe more words will come to me later, but I dont have many now. My heart is so hopeful and full of peace. So here's what you came here for. Enjoy.

PS: After service on Wednesday we told the youth group and close friends to meet us in the gym for a "reveal" party.The buzz and energy from everyone's excitement was so amazing.A moment I will remember forever,


  1. Hey Sharon,
    I know we did not get to know each other more but I just wanted you to know that I am so happy for you. I am actually crying with joy for you and Ferril. Many blessings.

    May Albuquerque

  2. This is all just making me cry. ;)
